Saturday, March 3, 2012

10 Tips for Telephone Success

The telephone is an often under-appreciated and much maligned piece of office equipment. Have you stopped to reconsider how much company you conduct over the telephone? These 10 tips will help you improve your telephone nearnessy and presentations.

1. You are the "Manager of First Impressions" for your business. Whenever you pick up the telephone, put a smile on your face first. It will improve your vocal ability and you will sound pleasant and relaxed.


2. Listen attentively to the someone you are speaking with. Recall why your dog is such a good listener: listen actively and in the moment. Multi-tasking is the enemy of efficient listening.

10 Tips for Telephone Success

3. Let other habitancy talk! Make sure your caller has fully fulfilled, speaking before responding. Remember: sometimes they aren't done talking; they are just arrival up for air.

4. Use open-ended questions to get habitancy to speak more freely. You should always talk less than the someone you have called. It makes others feel more comfortable, particularly if you are request them to make a decision. The more they talk, the easier it is for them to "buy into" what you are proposing.

5. To create affinity with your callers, speed up or slow down your speaking voice to great match theirs. They won't realize why they feel comfortable, they just will.

6. Use your words for best results. Keep in mind you can phrase anything positively, negatively or neutrally. Phrasing your words unquestionably will help you get great results more easily.

7. Voice mail can be your friend. Avoid leaving voice mail messages but if you must, think of it as a 30 second market on a extremely rated radio program. You have the opportunity to get your message into the "ears" of your most desired audience. Your message should reflect this.

8. Plan your telephone presentations in advance. Think out all the varied scenarios you might be faced with and write it out. This is called pre-call planning.

9. Tape yourself for self-improvement. Listen to yourself carefully and conclude what areas you want to improve.

10. Make an operation plan. Focus on only one area at a time. When you feel comfortable, move to your next area and repeat.

We use the telephone as our primary form of personal communication. habitancy who are good with this medium increase their opportunities for success.

10 Tips for Telephone Success

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